?Village of Rochester

Rochester Police Department: Contact Us

The Rochester Police Department encourages the public to contact them with any information that they might have pertaining to public safety.

When the public begins to take an active role in reporting suspicious behavior and criminal activity, this enables the department to become more effective in keeping our community a safer place.

The department strives to open new channels of communication with the public and to continue to foster the relationships that it has forged. We will do this by sharing information that we have with the public, so that they know what type of activity that they need to be on the lookout for.

Squad Room (Non-Emergency): (217) 498-8443
Police/Dispatch (Non-Emergency): (217) 381-8351
Chief of Police: (217) 498-8424
Duty Officer: (217) 381-8351
Fire/EMS: (217) 498-7121

Contact Us

Have a question or comment?

To send us an e-mail, please use our convenient Contact Us Form.

Rochester Police Department


1 Community Drive
Rochester, IL 62563

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(217) 381-8351  (non-emergency)
9-1-1 (emergency)