Ride-Along Request
Want to discovery what it’s like to do the job of Rochester police officer? Click here to request a ride-along opportunity.
If you recently had an experience involving a Rochester Police Department officer, please let us know about the experience.
The Rochester Police Department keeps up-to-date information of all businesses, schools, churches and other commercial properties within the Village of Rochester. This allows the department to make contact with the owner or representative in the event we find an unsecured building or signs of criminal activity on the premises.
Please remember that the information provided below will be kept in the strictest confidence. Should an officer find your business unlocked after hours, it is standard police procedure to check the interior for any signs of criminal activity. After checking the premises, the officer will then attempt to contact someone using the information provided below. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
The Rochester Police Department’s Vacation Watch Program began more than 30 years ago. This program is designed to give residents peace of mind while they are away from home.
Residents wishing to participate in the program can fill out a Vacation Watch Form. Utilizing the information on this form, our officers will watch over your home while you are away and ensure that everything remains safe and secure. If there are any problems while you are away, we will contact you and take the appropriate action.